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What makes your way different?

Our approach to dog training is more successful because we focus on changing a dog’s state of mind. Our methods actually resolve problem behaviours and teach dogs to be calmer so they make better choices overall. If you’ve tried training methods that didn’t work and you’re ready to learn how to be an amazing advocate and leader who holds your dog accountable for their best behaviour, then we are the dog trainers for you! Our methods don’t increase excitability, instead we teach dogs to be calm on command through duration work while developing impulse control. We’re here to provide real solutions and results and we’re committed to your success!

Why Prong collars?

Although prong collars look barbaric, they are actually one of the most gentle tools to connect and communicate with dogs. Don’t let appearances, or the misinformed opinions of well-meaning people mislead you. Prong collars are one of the most effective, safe and humane ways to calmly and easily guide and communicate with dogs using the least amount of pressure.

Do you use food and treats to train

We very rarely use treats in our training program, instead it's best to reward good behaviour using the dog's normal food. Working to earn meals is a normal part of our initial training process. Using food can be beneficial while rehabilitating human-aggressive dogs, with dogs who resource guard, or with extremely unmotivated dogs, but we do not allow dogs to become reliant on working for food! Food is phased out of the training process before the dog returns home, so your dog learns to respond to people, out of respect and habit, rather than due to being bribed with something tasty. We want dogs to look to us for direction, rather than look to our hands (and what is in them) to decide if a task is worth doing. For example, your dog must come when called whether you have food or not, whether they are hungry or not, or distracted or not, so you cannot rely on treats. Since our approach is based on creating calmer dogs who are able to make better decisions, we avoid relying too much on food, as it often builds frenzied excitement, fixation and anxiety. Our work is about building calm, respectful, trusting relationships with dogs with super clear communication. Food can seriously get in the way of that process.

What methods do you use? do use corrections?

A completely well-rounded approach to dog training and behaviour modification emphasizes positive reinforcement, while providing tools and education to help you understand when and how to appropriately correct or discipline your dog.

One key to our success is that we strive to understand the world from a dog’s perspective and put their needs ahead of our own preferences. Our approach to training is based in the science of animal learning and cognition and honours the instinctual nature of dogs.

As balanced dog trainers, we have access to the complete range of strategies and methods, tools and techniques, so we can be most effective to help in each specific situation.

We use nature and the complete science of learning and behaviour modification (not just the easy, fun, or nice-sounding bits) as our guiding principles to help people and their dogs. We use positive reinforcement to teach dogs to do things that we WANT (95% of the time), but when it comes to stopping behaviours that we DON’T WANT, it’s completely okay (and necessary) to say ‘no’ to your dog and to provide clear consequences to give the word ‘no’ meaning. Once a dog fully and fairly has learned a command, but then makes a clear choice to refuse to listen, then you must correct it. This is a good thing. By showing our dogs exactly what both yes AND no mean, we are being much more clear and fair with our dogs. The concept of rewards and corrections is so important so the dog fully understands what is acceptable and what is not. Saying no is making the situation clear for dogs, rather than leaving them guessing what to do or what’s allowed.

Ignoring bad behaviour is not the solution. Positive reinforcement is ineffective at eliminating unwanted behaviours. That’s where corrections are needed. Is it humane to allow dogs to remain stuck in fear, anxiety and stress, and for owners to continue to struggle and worry? Clearly, it’s more humane to quickly and decisively put a stop to bad behaviour so you and your dog can move on to enjoy a good life. For the safety and love of dogs, we are as soft as can be, and firm when we need to be.

How are corrections done? Calmly. It’s simple and matter of fact - never emotional, angry or upset. This is crucial to any dog’s successful learning. We say “yes” do more of that, and also “no” don’t do that. Our methods are clear, simple, fair, rational, scientific, natural and effective. By carefully and systematically using corrections, we maintain the benefits of reliability and eliminate problem behaviours without causing undue stress or discomfort to the dog. Using corrections appropriately does NOT lead to long-term aggression or to your dog not liking you. Instead, it leads to your dog clearly understanding what is acceptable and what isn’t, as well as trusting you because you’re straightforward, and looking to you for permission and guidance because you’re in charge of the situation.

Are you sure you can Help my Crazy Dog?

Yes! Whether your dog is uncontrollable on walks – pulling, barking, growling, lunging, an extremely prey-driven dog, or has serious leash reactivity (aggressive towards dogs, cars, bikes, skateboards, etc.), we have developed approaches to solve even the most challenging dog walking issues. If your dog jumps up, steals food from counters, has been in dog fights, barks incessantly, destroys furniture, gets into the garbage, is shy, or has separation anxiety – the answer is YES! we can help you.

We work with dogs with all kinds of behaviour problems and our proven methods work with any breed, age, size, background, behavioural issue, or level of training. Whether your dog is pushy, bratty, entitled, has selective hearing, is fearful, anxious, or is simply a puppy who needs to learn right from wrong, we’re here for you!

Our passion is teaching humans & dogs how to communicate so they can enjoy an awesome life together. We're here to help you create a better relationship with your dog. Offering a real life approach to dog training — working for real solutions in real world settings with real distractions. We empower dog owners with a wide range of dog behaviour problems and specialize in behaviour modification for dogs with fear, anxiety and leash reactivity. We also provide basic obedience training and show owners how to cultivate a calm, balanced state of mind with their dogs.

We’re all about comprehensive, integrated care. When we’re contacted about a behavioural concern, we assess your dog’s lifestyle. Like us, dogs need a certain amount of mental stimulation and physical activity in order to be healthy and fulfilled. If these areas are lacking, discontent and frustration can result in a wide range of behaviour problems. We assess your dog’s basic needs based on their breed tendencies, energy level and individual temperament, then work with you to design a lifestyle that promotes overall wellness. Helping people with dog problems requires overall lifestyle changes. By creating a structured routine at home, we can stop a wide range of difficult behaviours. Ask us how.

What tools do you use ?

The greatest tool we have is patience and it’s the one we reach for most often. Some of the other tools we use include affection, attention, gestures and spatial pressure, verbal cues, treadmill, dog cots/mats, and crates. We also use the dog’s daily food, clickers, slip leads, regular leashes, long lines, regular flat collars, remote collars, prong collars, muzzles, physical touch, verbal praise, slow feed bowls, (doorbells, skateboards, shopping carts, umbrellas and other real-world distractions), toys, play, activities, and socialization around new environments and situations with dogs and people. We also make use of anything that motivates your dog (e.g. desire to go outside, natural curiosity, etc.)

Keep in mind that tools don’t train dogs. Each dog training tools is like a new language that we can teach a dog. Great tools simply allow us to communicate more effectively with dogs while training them. We carefully choose tools that help us to do that clearly and safely. The two types of training collars that we most commonly recommend are prong collars, and remote training collars because of their versatility, efficiency and effectiveness of communication, the safety of the equipment, and the ease of use for the owner. In other words, they are the best option for most dogs and in the most situations.